If you are interested in hosting or participating in a workshop,
contact me here.

Upcoming Workshops:
Blasting the Fascial Rumors: Myths, Facts, & How To's
Fascia is something you may have heard of, but don’t know a lot about. You may know that fascia get can tight, restricting motion and causing pain, but do you know what you can do about it? Many people believe that we can break up scar tissue with foam rolling and other types of self-massage. While unfortunately that is not the case, there are many benefits of self-massage, not only for your fascia, but other surrounding tissues including skin, muscles, nerves, lymph, and blood vessels.
In this interactive workshop, you will learn what fascia is, what its role in the body is, what can happen to your fascia over time, and how to care for it. Alyssa will lead you through a series of different tools and techniques to nourish your fascia, including everyday items you can find at home. You will receive a foam roller so that you can perform self-massage at home for continued benefits!
When: TBD
Where: Brain Body Synergy:
189 Parker Street, Maynard, MA 01754
Investment: $75

Previous Workshops:
Shoulder Basics: Mobility & Stability
In this interactive workshop, Alyssa will teach you about the basic anatomy of the shoulder, including some lesser known facts that can help prevent injury and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
The workshop will include instruction and education on several mobility & stability exercises & techniques that you can use not only in your workout, but throughout the day to keep feeling good!

Mobility for Low Back Pain
Low back pain is very common – it is the lead cause of disability in the world, and affects about 80% of Americans at some point in their lives according to the NIH.
Everyone’s low back pain is based on individual causes, including your past medical history and lifestyle. Many of our daily activities, such as work and even exercise, can cause imbalances throughout our body, which over time can lead to pain and dysfunction. Inactivity, such as prolonged sitting, can also contribute to stiffness and pain for numerous reasons including decreased blood flow and increased soft tissue restrictions. One of the major contributors to low back pain is tightness in the hips, legs, and muscles of the back.
There are many things you can do to improve symptoms and function, including working with a physical therapist such as myself. Physical therapy can include exercise instruction, flexibility training, manual therapy, and education on body mechanics and lifestyle modifications. Most benefit comes over time, but sometimes, dramatic results come from even single sessions.
This workshop includes:
- A basic introduction on one of the major contributors to low back pain: tightness throughout the hips, legs and back
- Demonstration and practice of stretches of the major muscle groups throughout the lower body
- Instruction on self-massage techniques with the use of foam rollers