I treat a wide range of both acute and chronic conditions over the adult age spectrum. I particularly enjoy working with individuals 40+ as they experience changing body conditions and needs. Through education and instruction on proper movement techniques, I help people understand their unique body type and tendencies so that they may improve their overall function and ability to do the things they want to do in life.
Treatment sessions are one on one in my home studio. All patients will receive a comprehensive assessment of the body with increased focus on particular areas of concern. Based on examination findings and patient goals, the treatment plan will consist of individualized components of the below listed interventions, at a frequency that works for you.
Telehealth sessions are also offered for those who feel more comfortable staying home at this time.

Consultation & Education
Initial Evaluation
All patients who wish to work with me will undergo a comprehensive evaluation with increased focus on particular areas of interest/concern. This evaluation will help me to create an individualized treatment program for you based on examination findings and patient goals. The majority of the first session will be used for evaluation purposes, though there will be a small portion at the end to initiate treatment, exercise instruction and patient education.

Patient Education
I believe education to be one of the most important components of helping people to improve the way they move and feel. I provide education on an ongoing basis for your personal plan of care as an integral part of your treatment, as well as on a variety of topics including:
* Back / Posture Education
* Pain Neuroscience Education
* Relevant Anatomy / Physiology
* Potential etiologies and/or exacerbating factors contributing to current conditions

Exercise & Movement

Therapeutic Exercise Instruction
Instruction on exercise tailored to your specific needs and level of experience. Guidance on progression of exercise programs for continued advancement toward goals and/or maintenance of gains made. Includes instruction in clinic and for home program

Core & Postal Stability Training
Education and instruction on how to activate and strengthen the deep core and postural muscles that stabilize your spine and joints to improve overall body function

Functional Mobility Training
Includes techniques to minimize pain and exacerbation of pain (ex. back pain), how to get off the floor in the case of a fall, bending and lifting techniques, driving and work instruction/education​​​​​

Balance & Movement Coordination Training
Instruction on balance strategies and techniques, coordination training, education on how balance works; low-level to advanced depending on patient abilities and needs

Gait Training
Instruction on techniques to improve walking ability - includes postural and stability corrections, gait mechanics and speed, use of assistive devices / walking aids

Important Elements of an Exercise Program
Many people exercise regularly but do not address important components that contribute to feeling and functioning well, which include but are not limited to: strengthening, stretching, core stability training, cardiovascular exercise, and balance activities

Modifications for Exercise Classes​​​​​​​​​​
Taking exercise classes is a great way to enjoy exercise, and there are many benefits to taking classes of all types. Learning how to modify positions and/or activities during classes can help potentially prevent further or future injury or exacerbation of current issues. Through review of the elements of the class/es, in conjunction with knowledge of your physical strengths and weaknesses, we can develop ways to improve form and tolerance to the activities you enjoy doing.

Manual Therapy

Massage / Soft Tissue Mobilization
Use of massage / soft tissue mobilization techniques to improve blood flow, tissue extensibility, mobility, pain

Joint Mobilization
Use of joint mobilizations as deemed appropriate - improves circulation / blood flow, joint and soft tissue mobility, neural relaxation, pain

Muscle Energy Techniques
Use of neural excitation and relaxation techniques to decrease muscle tension, neural tension, improve alignment and tissue mobility, improve pain

​Stretching & Mobility Work
Manual stretching/range of motion performed by therapist, includes neural relaxation and breathing techniques

Use of guided energy flow techniques to improve movement of healing energy throughout body toward areas that need it most

Use of gentle, manual techniques with specialized metal tools to improve soft tissue mobility and circulation, decrease pain