My goal is to teach people how to get their brain and body to work together in order to accomplish what they want to do. Everything we physically do, and don’t do, affects how our body functions as a whole. Many common conditions, such as neck and back pain, are caused by imbalances in strength and flexibility throughout the body. These imbalances are commonly caused by the way people sleep, drive, work, even exercise. By understanding how your body functions, you can work toward exercises, activities and positions/postures that help you maintain wellness and improve performance.
The brain connects everything we do and experience. It is through our brain that we are able to learn and change. Our brain controls the nerves that fire to make our muscles move and respond to stimuli, both external and internal, through an immense network of neuroconnections. Our brain is capable of strengthening, and weakening these connections through use and disuse. With increased self-awareness and practice, we can strengthen the pathways that improve our function and physical capabilities, and weaken those that do not serve us well.
Your body defaults to energy efficiency and automation, which are incredibly helpful tools for accomplishing the everyday things, including multitasking. In order to make positive changes to our daily habits, activities and exercise routines (defaults), we must improve our body’s internal sense of self-awareness (proprioception). Through increased communication and cooperation between your brain and body, you are able to make the changes to your musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems that will optimize your overall performance.
The words “brain” and “neural” can often intimidate or deter people from learning about their body's amazing qualities and capabilities. I have found that once my clients begin to understand how their brains drive every process in their body, and how their own efforts can control and improve these processes, they become fully engaged and excited about further controlling their bodies and managing issues such as pain and chronic conditions.